University of Virginia Dean Trading Brutal Child Rape & Torture

Lori Handrahan
4 min readJan 28, 2015


UVA’s Dean Michael Morris’ Sentencing Memo: description of the “child porn” he was trading in from UVA campus

UVA’s Hunting Grounds

While sorority sisters at the University of Virginia (UVA) were ordered to avoid fraternity events this weekend so as not to be drugged and raped, The Hunting Ground, Amy Ziering’s and Kirby Dick’s documentary on campus rape culture, was premiering at the Sundance Film Festival.

27 January 2015 Washington Post

Kirby Dick was kind enough to take my call and listen patiently while I explained the link no one was making: University administrators do not and will not care if students are raped on campus if university administrators and professors, themselves, are heavily involved in child rape, often on campus.

As UVA’s former Dean Michael Morris was.

Not one mainstream media outlet reported on the full extent of UVA’s Dean Morris’ crimes against children.

When I called the Public Affairs Office for the Department of Justice in Richmond, Virginia, they were eager to provide the public Sentencing Memo and related, to their knowledge, not one journalist had reported on it.

Here it is: UVA’s now former Dean Michael Morris’ Sentencing Memo. It is one of the best Sentencing Memos I’ve seen and I’ve read far too many.

UVA’s Hunting Grounds Begins With Dean Morris

Michael Morris, a 50 year old Assistant Dean at the McIntire School of

Micheal Morris Sentencing Memorandum

Commerce at University of Virginia (UVA) and father of two teenage daughters, was arrested and charged, 6 November 2013, on child porn charges.

Michael Morris

Morris, whose on-line screen name was “funshooter2006,” was an “ultimate” account member of Gigatribe, a peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing program, that he used to trade in “pre-teen hard core” (PTHC), which is the brutal torture of children under 12 years old. At the time of his arrest, Morris possessed some 4,000 images/videos of child sex abuse including the abuse of toddlers. He had been trading in child sex abuse for 15 years.

Micheal Morris Sentencing Memorandum

Morris was indicted on two counts of distributing or receiving child porn and one count of possessing child porn and plead guilty to all three charges on 21 April 2014. He was held in custody from the time of his arrest until

Michael Morris Criminal Complaint

he was sentenced, 14 July 2014, to 8.8 years in federal jail and 20 years supervised release.

Micheal Morris Sentencing Memorandum

For the past five years Morris had been pretending to be a teenage boy or girl, on-line, and getting 14 to 16 year old girls to perform sex acts for him live-streamed via web cameras. He said he did this about once a month.

Micheal Morris Sentencing Memorandum

In a period of a few months, while he was under investigation, he accessed, more than 192 times, child sex abuse from both his home and UVA computer on campus. UVA immediately suspended Morris pending the investigation and he later resigned his position.

Micheal Morris Sentencing Memorandum

Morris received his doctorate in management information systems from Indiana University, master’s degree from the Air Force Institute of Technology and a bachelor’s degree from Bowling Green State University.

Imagine You Were Dean Morris’ Student

Take a moment and imagine you are an 18 year old student of Dean Morris.

You go to his office hours and report to him that you have been raped.

Do you think he would have taken action?

More likely, he might have tried to find your rape video on-line.

Universities Will Continue to Support Rape Culture

Universities and colleges in America will continue to foster a culture of rape, of both female and male students, on campus so long as senior level university/college professors and administrators are engaged in America’s illegal child porn industry.

It’s that simple. Make the connection.

Deans who masturbate to children being raped at knife point will not care if co-eds are raped on campus. Period.

Change the culture. Demand an end to impunity for child rape and sexual torture otherwise known as child porn. End campus rape culture.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King said “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

Will you be silent?


Dr. Lori Handrahan’s forthcoming book Child Porn Nation: America’s Hidden National Security Risk details America’s child sex abuse epidemic. Her Ph.D. is from The London School of Economics. She can be reached on Twitter @LoriHandrahan2

